So some of you might be disappointed that this isnā€™t the next Java tutorial. Well, today and the last couple of days, I havenā€™t been feeling like working on those, because.. Iā€™ve been depressed again. I never know how to describe it, or how to say it without seeming like itā€™s just.. something I say when Iā€™m too lazy to work on things.

This post will probably be a little all over the place, because thatā€™s also the mood that my head is currently in, but Iā€™ll try to explain to you what it feels like to me to have a low low follow a high high, mood-wise.

Highs #

When I say that Iā€™m depressed, it means something different than when I say that Iā€™m suffering from depression. Because, for me, depression isnā€™t a constant state. Before depression hits, I have long periods of highs, long periods of what non-depressed people would probably just call.. normal moods.

I get up in the mornings, I enjoy breakfast, I go to University, I do my daily chores, I sit down at my computer, I code, I play some games, and then I go to bed. Normal days, really.

And if you donā€™t suffer from depression, then you might think ā€œWell, whatā€™s so special about that?ā€, and the annoying thing is: Thatā€™s exactly what I also think when Iā€™m experiencing a high. I take it for granted, and I never even stop to think about how great it is that Iā€™m currently feeling normal about my life.

Lows #

And then a low hits. And the longer the high has been going on for, the longer I was happy for, the harder it hits. Right now, Iā€™ve been feeling low for two days, after a high that lasted almost a month. When Iā€™m going through a low phase like now, my day works a lot differently.

I wake up at noon. I stay in bed. I check my phone. Hours pass. I think to myself ā€œWhat am I doing?ā€ I check my phone. After a while, I force myself to get up; I might even take a shower. I find some cookies in the back of my fridge; thoseā€™ll be good enough for breakfast, I think to myself. I sit down at my computer. I watch some videos. ā€œWhat am I doing?ā€ Maybe some more videos. ā€œWhat am I doing? I donā€™t know what to do.ā€ I start Minecraft. ā€œThis sounds like fun!ā€ I play for five minutes. I close the game again. ā€œWhat am I doing?ā€ I watch some videos. I start The Sims 4. I play for half an hour, and then I close the game again. ā€œWhat am I doing?ā€ I watch some more YouTube videos. I listen to some music. Should I do my coursework now? Not in the mood. I open IntelliJ. Letā€™s work on some code. I glance at a couple of files, and then I close it again. ā€œWhat am I doing?ā€

Take that whole description, and slow it down by about 200%. Thatā€™s what a low day feels like to me. I feel like every single hour; every single minute even, is filled with doubt and emptiness and justā€¦ nothing.

This is so hard to explain for me because I also donā€™t.. see myself in these low phases. I donā€™t look at myself. I donā€™t observe what Iā€™m doing. Itā€™s like Iā€™m not even there; itā€™s like Iā€™m not inside my own body, doing these activities with it. Itā€™s like itā€™s just doing everything on some sort of weird auto-pilot mode.

So until that passes, I probably wonā€™t be working on any tutorials, or anything, really. Letā€™s hope it passes fairly soon, because Iā€™m honestly sick of forcing myself to eat cookies for breakfast. It might sound great, but eating something when you have absolutely no desire to eat things isā€¦ quite unpleasant, really.